FreeTTS 1.2

The FreeTTS text to speech engine and partial support for JSAPI 1.0.


com.sun.speech.engine Provides a partial and unsupported support for the javax.speech package for JSAPI 1.0.
com.sun.speech.engine.synthesis Provides a JSML 0.6 parser as well as a partial and unsupported support of interfaces in the javax.speech.synthesis package for JSAPI 1.0.
com.sun.speech.engine.synthesis.text Provides a sample text-output-only Synthesizer support that doesn't make any noise.
com.sun.speech.freetts Top level package for FreeTTS. Provides support for generic audio output for FreeTTS.
com.sun.speech.freetts.cart Provides interface and implementations of several Classification and Regression Trees (CART) based on the Breiman, Friedman, Olshen, and Stone document "Classification and Regression Trees."
com.sun.speech.freetts.clunits Support for cluster unit selection of audio data as described in the Black and Taylor document "Automatically clustering similar units for unit selection in speech synthesis", published in Proceedings of the Eurospeech 1997, Rhodes, Greece
com.sun.speech.freetts.diphone Support for diphones encoded using residual excited linear prediction (RELP)
com.sun.speech.freetts.en Support for English. Support for US English
com.sun.speech.freetts.jsapi Provides a partial and unsupported support for a JSAPI 1.0 speech synthesizer for FreeTTS.
com.sun.speech.freetts.lexicon Provides the definition and implementation of the Lexicon and LetterToSound interfaces
com.sun.speech.freetts.relp Support for Residual Excited Linear Predictive (RELP) decoding of audio samples
com.sun.speech.freetts.util Provides a set of tools and utililties used by FreeTTS Provides support for US English MBROLA voices Provides engine support for MBROLA voices


The FreeTTS text to speech engine and partial support for JSAPI 1.0. Note that recognition is not supported in this release: FreeTTS is only a synthesis engine.