Package com.sun.speech.freetts

Top level package for FreeTTS.


Interface Summary
Dumpable Tags an object that can be dumped for debugging purposes.
FeatureProcessor Performs a specific type of processing on an item and returns an object.
FeatureSet Represents the abstract interface to an entity that has a set of features.
FreeTTSSpeakable Represents something that should be spoken.
PartOfSpeech Determines the part of speech of a word.
PathExtractor Manages a feature or item path.
PhoneDurations Maintains a set of PhoneDuration instances indexed by phone.
PhoneSet Maintains a list of phones with various features for those phones.
Tokenizer Chops a string or text file into Token instances.
Unit Defines a generic interface to a Unit.
UtteranceProcessor Performs an operation on an Utterance.
Validator Implementors of this interface can be validated via the validate() method.

Class Summary
Age Provides an enumeration of Age, following JSAPI style.
FeatureSetImpl Implementation of the FeatureSet interface.
FreeTTS Standalone utility that directly interacts with a CMUDiphoneVoice.
FreeTTSSpeakableImpl Minimal implementation of a FreeTTSSpeakable
FreeTTSTime Standalone utility that tells the time.
Gender Provides an enumeration of Gender, following the JSAPI style.
InputMode Specifies the input mode of FreeTTS.
Item Represents a node in a Relation.
ItemContents Contains the information that is shared between multiple items.
OutputQueue Manages a process queue for utterances.
PartOfSpeechImpl Implementation of a PartOfSpeech that reads the info from a file.
PathExtractorImpl Interface that Manages a feature or item path.
PhoneDuration Maintains the mean duration and standard deviation about a phone.
PhoneDurationsImpl Maintains set of PhoneDuration instances read in from a file.
PhoneSetImpl Implementation of a PhoneSet that reads the info from a file.
Relation Represents an ordered set of Items and their associated children.
Segmenter Annotates an utterance with Relation.SYLLABLE, Relation.SYLLABLE_STRUCTURE, and Relation.SEGMENT.
Token Contains a parsed token from a Tokenizer.
Utterance Holds all the data for an utterance to be spoken.
Voice Performs text-to-speech using a series of UtteranceProcessors.
VoiceDirectory Provides a means to access the voices that are stored in a jar file.
VoiceManager Provides access to voices for all of FreeTTS.

Exception Summary
ProcessException Thrown by an UtteranceProcessor if any errors are encountered while processing an Utterance.
ValidationException Thrown by a Validator if any errors are encountered while validating.

Package com.sun.speech.freetts Description

Top level package for FreeTTS. Classes in this package should be synthesizer and locale independent.